to pass a message中文什么意思

发音:   用"to pass a message"造句
  • pass:    n. 1.狭路;横路,小路;山路;关 ...
  • message:    n. 1.通信;口信;问候;祝词;讯 ...
  • pass on the message:    传递口信
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  1. I was ready to lose the game and leave old trafford with a smile just to pass a message of confidence
  2. Besides , now i had another use for lemons . retrospectively , every time master gave me an assignment , either one of " national importance " or just to pass a message , i would proceed with perfect awe and discretion


  1. to part cable 什么意思
  2. to partners 什么意思
  3. to pass a bill 什么意思
  4. to pass a bill, to carry a bill 什么意思
  5. to pass a decision 什么意思
  6. to pass an area 什么意思
  7. to pass an examination 什么意思
  8. to pass away 什么意思
  9. to pass away to depart 什么意思
  10. to pass control to 什么意思


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